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On The Orbit of White / 1
Performance and videoinstallation
3 Planets /Helinä Hukkataival, Henrietta Lehtonen, Heidi Romo

Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum, Turku, Finland

White clothes at the end of their life cycle hanging on the wall got a new life in form of a large crochet-work.

The installation changed a little every day, when art students worked with the material two hours a day. Visitors in the exhibition could also take part.

One part of the installation was the video Crochet School, 2007 and in the adjoining room, a live projection of the clothes corner. This 2-dimensional picture was the first image of the
3 -dimensional installation when visitor was walking through the exhibition.

  live video projection
student and crochet

installation view
photo: Heidi Romo

crochet video projection


On te Orbit of White / 2
performance installation
30.11. - 21.12.200

25. Jubilee Exhibition of Art Center Mältinranta
Tampere, Finland

Zsuzsa Demeter, Helinä Hukkataival, Hanna Jaanisoo,
Matti Kalkamo, Mikko Kallio, Hannamari Matikainen,
Marja Pirilä ja Kirsti Tuokko

man cutting warp in instalation installation

The audience could also take part in the process.
When the exhibition ended, most of the clothes hanging on the wall had been cut and crocheted by the art students working
1 hour every day and by possible other unknown helpers.

  photos:ville ruokonen
    chair and warp in the installation